Broadcast Raw Transaction
Broadcasts a signed transaction to the blockchain in raw format. Unlike the standard broadcast, which builds the broadcast payload for you, this endpoint requires the final payload, ready for submission. Returns the transaction receipt (hash) or error details in case of failure.
Path Parameters
Available options:
, cosmoshub
, cosmoshub-testnet
, osmosis
, osmosis-testnet
, celestia
, celestia-testnet
, dydx
, axelar
, ethereum
, sepolia
, holesky
, zksync
, zksync-sepolia
, injective-evm-testnet
, base
, base-sepolia
, optimism
, optimism-sepolia
, arbitrum
, arbitrum-sepolia
, bitcoin
, monad-private-testnet
, bitcoin-testnet
, polygon
, polygon-amoy
, bsc
, bsc-testnet
, linea
, linea-sepolia
, avalanche
, avalanche-fuji
, gnosis
, gnosis-chiado
, moonbeam
, moonriver
, moonbase
, fantom
, mantle
, litecoin
, dogecoin
, ton
, chiliz
, chiliz-testnet
, injective
, akash
, band
, dymension
, kyve
, neutron
, terra2
, stargaze
, tron
, evmos
, irisnet
, juno
, lum-network
, omniflix
, sei
, medibloc
, passage
, quasar
, seda
, sommelier
, shentu
, stride
, chihuahua
, bitsong
, persistence
, comdex
, fetch-ai
, humans-ai
, ki
, likecoin
, mars-hub
, provenance
, quicksilver
, saga
, ux-chain
, kava
200 - application/json
Returns a transaction receipt or error details if the transaction fails.
Available options:
, cosmoshub
, cosmoshub-testnet
, osmosis
, osmosis-testnet
, celestia
, celestia-testnet
, dydx
, axelar
, ethereum
, sepolia
, holesky
, zksync
, zksync-sepolia
, injective-evm-testnet
, base
, base-sepolia
, optimism
, optimism-sepolia
, arbitrum
, arbitrum-sepolia
, bitcoin
, monad-private-testnet
, bitcoin-testnet
, polygon
, polygon-amoy
, bsc
, bsc-testnet
, linea
, linea-sepolia
, avalanche
, avalanche-fuji
, gnosis
, gnosis-chiado
, moonbeam
, moonriver
, moonbase
, fantom
, mantle
, litecoin
, dogecoin
, ton
, chiliz
, chiliz-testnet
, injective
, akash
, band
, dymension
, kyve
, neutron
, terra2
, stargaze
, tron
, evmos
, irisnet
, juno
, lum-network
, omniflix
, sei
, medibloc
, passage
, quasar
, seda
, sommelier
, shentu
, stride
, chihuahua
, bitsong
, persistence
, comdex
, fetch-ai
, humans-ai
, ki
, likecoin
, mars-hub
, provenance
, quicksilver
, saga
, ux-chain
, kava
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