This guide demonstrates how to create, sign, and broadcast a transaction using the Adamik API with StarkNet. This tutorial is perfect for developers who want to leverage Adamik to power their StarkNet workflow, ensuring secure and efficient transaction management.


  • Node.js and npm installed
  • Basic understanding of StarkNet blockchain and transaction workflows
  • Familiarity with StarkNet libraries

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Setting Up the Environment

Install the required dependencies:

npm install starknet

2. Writing the Script

Below is the script that handles StarkNet transactions, including wallet deployment and transfers:

import { ec } from "starknet";

// Replace these with your actual values
const walletPrivateKey = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY";
const ADAMIK_API_KEY = "your-adamik-api-key"; // get it from
const recipientAddress = "RECIPIENT_ADDRESS";

async function main() {
  // Generate public key from private key
  const pubKey = ec.starkCurve.getStarkKey(walletPrivateKey);

  // First, let's get our wallet address
  const requestBodyAddressEncode = {
    pubkey: pubKey,

  // Fetch the wallet address from Adamik API
  const responseAddressEncode = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        Authorization: ADAMIK_API_KEY,
      body: JSON.stringify(requestBodyAddressEncode),

  const addressEncode = await responseAddressEncode.json();
  // Get the ArgentX wallet address
  const senderAddress = addressEncode.addresses.find(
    (address) => address.type === "argentx"

  // Prepare the transfer transaction
  const requestBody = {
    transaction: {
      data: {
        mode: "transfer", // Transaction type
        senderAddress, // Our wallet address
        recipientAddress, // Where we're sending to
        amount: "200000000000000000", // Amount in wei (0.2 STRK in this example)

  // Encode the transaction with Adamik API
  const response = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        Authorization: ADAMIK_API_KEY,
      body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),

  const encodedData = await response.json();

  // Check for encoding errors
  if (encodedData.status.errors.length > 0) {
    throw new Error(encodedData.status.errors[0].message);

  // Sign the encoded transaction using StarkNet curve
  const signature = ec.starkCurve.sign(
  const signatureHex = signature.toDERHex();

  // Prepare the broadcast request
  const broadcastTransactionBody = {
    transaction: {
      signature: signatureHex,

  // Broadcast the signed transaction
  const broadcastResponse = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        Authorization: ADAMIK_API_KEY,
      body: JSON.stringify(broadcastTransactionBody),

  const responseData = await broadcastResponse.json();
  console.log("Transaction Result:", JSON.stringify(responseData, null, 2));


3. Explanation

  • Key Generation: The script uses the StarkNet curve to generate a public key from your private key.
  • Address Encoding: Before making a transfer, we need to get our wallet address using the Adamik API’s address encode endpoint.
  • Transaction Encoding: The transaction details are passed to the Adamik API, which encodes the transaction specifically for StarkNet.
  • Signing: The encoded transaction is signed using StarkNet’s signature scheme.
  • Broadcasting: The signed transaction is broadcast to the StarkNet network via the Adamik API.

4. Deploying a Wallet

If you need to deploy a new wallet, here’s how:

const deployWallet = async () => {
  const pubKey = ec.starkCurve.getStarkKey(walletPrivateKey);

  // Prepare deployment request
  const requestBody = {
    transaction: {
      data: {
        mode: "deployAccount",
        type: "argentx", // Using ArgentX wallet type
        senderPubKey: pubKey,

  // Follow the same encode -> sign -> broadcast pattern as above
  // ... (encoding, signing, and broadcasting steps remain the same)

5. Troubleshooting

  • Invalid Signature: Ensure you’re using the correct private key and StarkNet curve for signing.
  • Gas Fees: Make sure your wallet has enough funds to cover gas fees.

6. Get in Touch

Connect with us through our Discord Server or directly through GitHub.