Get Account State (Balances)
Returns the state of a specified account identifier (address or xpub) and chain ID, focusing on balance information. The response includes details on native asset balances, token balances, and staking balances. This endpoint supports optional filters to refine the results, making it essential for wallet applications to display accurate and tailored account information.
Path Parameters
Available options:
, cosmoshub
, cosmoshub-testnet
, osmosis
, osmosis-testnet
, celestia
, celestia-testnet
, dydx
, axelar
, ethereum
, sepolia
, holesky
, zksync
, zksync-sepolia
, injective-evm-testnet
, base
, base-sepolia
, optimism
, optimism-sepolia
, arbitrum
, arbitrum-sepolia
, bitcoin
, monad-private-testnet
, bitcoin-testnet
, polygon
, polygon-amoy
, bsc
, bsc-testnet
, linea
, linea-sepolia
, avalanche
, avalanche-fuji
, gnosis
, gnosis-chiado
, moonbeam
, moonriver
, moonbase
, fantom
, mantle
, rootstock
, rootstock-testnet
, litecoin
, dogecoin
, ton
, chiliz
, chiliz-testnet
, injective
, akash
, band
, dymension
, kyve
, neutron
, terra2
, stargaze
, tron
, evmos
, irisnet
, juno
, lum-network
, omniflix
, sei
, medibloc
, passage
, quasar
, seda
, sommelier
, shentu
, stride
, chihuahua
, bitsong
, persistence
, comdex
, fetch-ai
, humans-ai
, ki
, likecoin
, mars-hub
, provenance
, quicksilver
, saga
, ux-chain
, kava
Account identifier (address, xpub, etc) for the specified chain ID
Query Parameters
Optional filter to request specific data. Use a single 'include' parameter with comma-separated values.
200 - application/json
Returns the current balance information for the specified address and chain ID.
Available options:
, cosmoshub
, cosmoshub-testnet
, osmosis
, osmosis-testnet
, celestia
, celestia-testnet
, dydx
, axelar
, ethereum
, sepolia
, holesky
, zksync
, zksync-sepolia
, injective-evm-testnet
, base
, base-sepolia
, optimism
, optimism-sepolia
, arbitrum
, arbitrum-sepolia
, bitcoin
, monad-private-testnet
, bitcoin-testnet
, polygon
, polygon-amoy
, bsc
, bsc-testnet
, linea
, linea-sepolia
, avalanche
, avalanche-fuji
, gnosis
, gnosis-chiado
, moonbeam
, moonriver
, moonbase
, fantom
, mantle
, rootstock
, rootstock-testnet
, litecoin
, dogecoin
, ton
, chiliz
, chiliz-testnet
, injective
, akash
, band
, dymension
, kyve
, neutron
, terra2
, stargaze
, tron
, evmos
, irisnet
, juno
, lum-network
, omniflix
, sei
, medibloc
, passage
, quasar
, seda
, sommelier
, shentu
, stride
, chihuahua
, bitsong
, persistence
, comdex
, fetch-ai
, humans-ai
, ki
, likecoin
, mars-hub
, provenance
, quicksilver
, saga
, ux-chain
, kava
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